JBTV Music Television Chicago
Wednesday 8/14/19

Beth Lowen who goes by the name LION, blessed with a voice that’s unmistakable and raspy, and yet- oh so fragile and vulnerable.
And a terrific songwriter to boot.
Beth graced our stage at JBTV for an intimate performance, accompanied with just an electric guitar.
Yep- that’s it. A single guitar with a magical voice, making you wonder as good as this sounds- what would Beth be like if she had a backing band?
Introduced to the JBTV stage by none other than the renowned Linda Perry, a terrific and prominent songwriter in her own right- she made it known that when she received the tape of LION performing a couple songs, she was blown away at the spontaneity of it all, the freshness of it all.
Linda had to hear LION perform in person, to make sure she was the real deal.
Let’s just say that the rest was history.
An amongst the 35 to 40 people who attended the live taping at JBTV to hear LION perform live: well now you can say just that, maybe a year from now, when LION will break huge.
And trust me- this will happen.
It’s hard to categorize Beth Lowen’s singing and songwriting, and apparently that’s just the way she likes it.
It’s minimalist (obviously), it has a striking 70’s vibe to her songwriting, and her voice that is powerful and striking, and the fact that she’s a physical presence on stage, fearless and yet fragile.
What a memorable performance with LION at JBTV.
Cheers-  Bobby Talamine – Music Photographer

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