Sat 11/30/19

And so all things must come to an end from 2019 with PIGFACE.
Thought I’d save these images for last in my three posts with PIGFACE, these being the most intimate and the most candid of all of them.
Very appreciative of Martin allowing me free reign during the late afternoon for this shoot- not so easy to blend in and capture intimate moments with such a wide range of characters, interspersed with their comings and goings to set up shop, let alone the wide array of vocalists and drummers and bass players and saxophonists and guitarists and whatnot.
Plus the intricacy of navigating behind the PIGFACE murals, standing on drum risers and such to get every conceivable angle of all things Martin Atkins and Danny Carey, let alone front and center with Mary Byker and Curse Mackey, let alone the goings on with Randy Blythe and Lesley Rankine, and finding the sweet spot onstage to capture the intensity of Chris Connellly.
So, you get the picture of what I’m up against.
Suffice it to say it does truly help to know personally everyone listed above, which makes my fearlessness and objective of capturing everyone in all their glory much more attainable.
Soundcheck is always a blast with the members of PIGFACE: It’s truly one big dysfunctional family, sharing laughs, kidding around, making things easy on one another, since there’s so much to get through before the actual performance which needs to be addressed.
I believe I’ve provided a thorough documentation of what takes place prior to a PIGFACE performance, and what you’d expect if you were in my shoes standing onstage.
To end the tour at Thalia Hall in Chicago, one of my favorite venues, adds so much luster to the photos, both from soundcheck and what has already been posted in regards to the actual show.
Hate to say this portion of all things PIGFACE has to come to an end.
Nevertheless, knowing Martin Atkins full well, more versions of PIGFACE will be on the horizon, simply because he loves being behind the kit, playing drums, and bringing forth new concoctions of PIGFACE.
Plus, if you ask him- it’s so damn fun.
So again- here’s PIGFACE and soundcheck from Thalia Hall in Chicago.
Hope everyone has a happy and healthy 2020-
And remember- a salute to all things PIGFACE.
Cheers- Bobby Talamine – Music Photographer

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